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BOLD tree plan taking root

Ward 30 in the news!  This story was originally published on InsideToronto and is written by Joanna Lavoie

A grassroots initiative designed to strengthen the local tree canopy has done much more than give Ward 30 residents information about how to get a free tree planted in their front yard.

The Leslieville/Riverdale Tree Project, a partnership between local tree advocacy group Beautification of Leslieville District (BOLD) and Neighbourhood Action on Air Quality (NAAQ), an outdoor air quality initiative funded by the Toronto Atmospheric Fund and run through the South Riverdale Community Health Center (SRCHC), has resulted in neighbours branching out to one another.

Toronto’s annual Christmas Choral Concert

The City of Toronto invites the public to celebrate the season this Thursday, December 23 with the annual Christmas Choral Celebration. Residents can join in the singing or simply enjoy the vocal stylings of the All the King's Voices, Toronto Beaches Children's Chorus and the Toronto Mass Choir. Musical accompaniment is provided by the Tower Brass.

The concert will last approximately one hour and will conclude with a visit

Clearing The Air on the TTC

"Clearing The Air on the TTC", a new report published by the Toronto Environmental Alliance reveals that Light Rail Transit (LRT) offers the best hope for combatting climate change in Toronto.

The report notes that –per dollar spent- LRT systems emit less than half the greenhouse gases of subways. And because LRT systems are cheaper and faster to build, more can be built, reaching more people and therefore getting more cars

Eliminating the Personal Vehicle Tax (PVT)

Council approved the termination of the City's Personal Vehicle Tax (PVT) effective January 1, 2011. All vehicle plate validation holders who live in the City of Toronto and have birthdays from January 1, 2011 onward will not have to pay the PVT. Those with birthdays in 2010 prior to January 1, 2011 will still be required to pay the PVT. Vehicle owners who purchased a two-year renewal in 2010 will receive a refund for the 2011 year.

Toronto Animal Services launches the "12 Strays of Christmas"

Throughout the holiday season, friends and family gather to celebrate and be closer to one another. At this time of year, it's also important to consider the animals living temporarily at local shelters. They too are looking for a warm and cozy place to call home.

This holiday season, the City of Toronto's Animal Services is featuring the "12 Strays of Christmas" in an effort to increase awareness of the adoptable

Ontario Ombudsman Releases "Caught In the Act" A Report on G20 Security Regulation

Ontario Ombudsman Andre Marin released his latest special report on the G20 security regulation on Tuesday, December 7th. He reports on his investigation into the origin and subsequent communication by the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services of Regulation 233/10, passed by the province prior to the June 26 – 27 G20 summit meeting in Toronto.

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