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Eliminating the Personal Vehicle Tax (PVT)

Council approved the termination of the City's Personal Vehicle Tax (PVT) effective January 1, 2011. All vehicle plate validation holders who live in the City of Toronto and have birthdays from January 1, 2011 onward will not have to pay the PVT. Those with birthdays in 2010 prior to January 1, 2011 will still be required to pay the PVT. Vehicle owners who purchased a two-year renewal in 2010 will receive a refund for the 2011 year.

Toronto Animal Services launches the "12 Strays of Christmas"

Throughout the holiday season, friends and family gather to celebrate and be closer to one another. At this time of year, it's also important to consider the animals living temporarily at local shelters. They too are looking for a warm and cozy place to call home.

This holiday season, the City of Toronto's Animal Services is featuring the "12 Strays of Christmas" in an effort to increase awareness of the adoptable

Ontario Ombudsman Releases "Caught In the Act" A Report on G20 Security Regulation

Ontario Ombudsman Andre Marin released his latest special report on the G20 security regulation on Tuesday, December 7th. He reports on his investigation into the origin and subsequent communication by the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services of Regulation 233/10, passed by the province prior to the June 26 – 27 G20 summit meeting in Toronto.

Access to City's Meeting and Legislative Information

The City Clerk’s Office has launched a new website that provides easier access to City Council meetings, agendas and minutes. The newly designed site features an easy-to-use meeting schedule, a list of Council committees (including real-time meeting updates, staff contacts and membership), enhanced search capability, detailed item views, and map views of agendas. You can

Riverdale Share Concert – Celebrating Community

Join your neighbours and friends at this year's Riverdale Share Concert Saturday, December 11th with shows at 2:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. at St. Barnabas Church, 361 Danforth Avenue.

Now in its 19th year, the Riverdale Share Concert is a diverse holiday celebration held every December. Residents, students, businesses, volunteers, community leaders, and performers pool their resources and talent and gather under one roof to celebrate their spirit of community and raise money for families in crisis.

Local Councillor supports Dust Management Protocols

TORONTO – Councillor Paula Fletcher welcomed renewed efforts by the Toronto Port Lands Company (TPLC) and BUILD Toronto to tackle the ongoing dust problems on Commissioners Street.

“The time for consistent and effective eradication and mitigation efforts is long overdue,” said Fletcher. "I am glad the Toronto Port Lands Corporation ( TPLC) is taking charge of this issue and recognizes the solution will be a

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