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Registration opening soon for City of Toronto fall recreation programming

Today, Mayor John Tory announced that registration for City of Toronto fall recreation programs opens on September 25 and 28. This fall marks the return of regular recreation programming for the City of Toronto, where COVID-19 has impacted programming since March 2020. The City is Toronto’s largest provider of recreation programs for people of all ages, skill levels and interests.

City of Toronto and partners announce expansion of screen industry workforce development training programs for diverse youth

Today, Mayor John Tory and program partners announced the expansion of screen industry education and training programs for under-represented communities, targeting participants who are Black, Indigenous and people of colour. These programs aim to increase and diversify the industry’s workforce, to respond to expanding infrastructure needs and market demand for global storytelling.

Data shows unvaccinated residents seven times more likely to become infected with COVID-19, City of Toronto sees increase in doses administered following Province's proof of vaccination announcement

While the rate of COVID-19 cases is low in the Toronto, it is growing. New case data shows more infections are now being reported among younger adults and unvaccinated individuals, who are seven times more likely to become infected with COVID-19. The new data was released today when Mayor John Tory and Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa provided an update on the City of Toronto’s vaccination progress. Toronto Public Health also reported an increase in vaccinations since the Province of Ontario announced a proof of vaccination system.

City of Toronto launches new ‘Toronto For All’ Campaign to support undocumented residents

Today, Mayor John Tory proclaimed Undocumented Residents Day in Toronto to recognize the thousands of undocumented residents living in Toronto who make important contributions to our city as part of the City’s latest Toronto for All campaign. This campaign aims to raise awareness around the tremendous hardships undocumented residents experience while living in fear due to their lack of immigration status. The City has partnered with FCJ Refugee Centre, and other key agencies, to help humanize undocumented residents in Toronto.

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