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Improving Transit

The City of Toronto and TTC have ordered 204 new streetcars which will provide users with a more customer friendly transit experience.

The TTC is holding a public consultation to discuss the new streetcars and the route they will travel from the Queen Street tracks to the Connaught and Ashbridges yards: Date: April 8, 2010

Time: 6:30pm to 9:00pm

Location: Toronto EMS and Fire Academy 895 Eastern Avenue

Forum on Metrolinx Expansion

All Aboard?  Diesel, electric and clean air: Which way forward?

The Toronto Board of Health is hosting a public forum on the proposed Metrolinx expansion of the Georgetown South transit line and the rail link from Union Station to Pearson.

The Board of Health supports expanded public transit as a way to reduce vehicle traffic, but remains concerned about health risks and air quality impacts predicted with the proposed diesel rail expansion. 

Queen Streetcar Service to Divert

The TTC will be conduction streetcar track repairs on Queen St. E. at Carlaw Avenue and in the Neville Loop this weekend.  Work will start at 6 am on Saturday, March 20, and will be completed by the beginning of service at 5am, Monday March 22.

As a result, there will be no 501-301 Queen Streetcar service between Neville Loop and the Queen St. East  at River St. intersection.  Shuttle buses will operate in both directions.

Joel Weeks Park Expansion

Help us design a park in Ward 30! We'll be having a meeting on Tuesday, April 6th at 7pm in the Ralph Thorton Centre.

[caption id="attachment_1882" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Councillor Fletcher and neighbourhood kids attend Joel Weeks park design meeting. "]

Toronto Grows the Greenbelt

One of the most exciting things I have been able to accomplish as City Councillor and Chair of the Parks & Environment Committee has been working with the Toronto Environmental Alliance to bring The Don and Humber Rivers Valleys into the Provincial Greenbelt on its 5th Anniversary.

By assuming stewardship of these lands for generations to come, we are recognizing the connection between our natural heritage features and the larger ecosystem that sustains us. It is a fitting legacy for so many Torontonians who have worked so hard to clean up our rivers, preserve our ravines and protect our environment.

Skating Party

On Sunday, February 21st we held our annual skating party at Riverdale Rink. It was great to see so many members of the community come out and enjoy the beautiful skating weather.  Special thanks to the East York Skating Club, Zero Gravity Circus Performesr, and Deejay Scootz for helping make it such a fun day!

Bridgepoint Hospital Construction

Community Information Night on Traffic Issues:
Tuesday Feb 16
Please join us on Tuesday Feb 16 at 415 Broadview Avenue (St. John's Presbyterian Church) to discuss traffic plans during and after Bridgepoint Construction.   At 6:30 the development plans for Bridgepoint will be reviewed,  followed by a traffic discussion at 7:15.  Construction Project Managers from Bridgepoint, City of Toronto staff from Traffic, Pedestrian and Parking Divisions will be at this meeting to discuss:

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