Join Waterfront Toronto at their public meeting for a presentation to learn more about the soil recycling pilot facility that will guide Waterfront Toronto’s Soils Recycling strategy.
Please join them on:
Wednesday, June 16, 2010 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Toronto Fire/EMS Training Centre 895 Eastern Avenue, Toronto, Ontario
Waterfront Toronto has submitted an application to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE) for a Certificate of Approval under Section 27 of the Environmental Protection Act to store, transfer, and process soil at an approximately 8.2 hectare site at 294, 320, and 348 Unwin Avenue. As the first step in the development of a Soil Recycling Facility, Waterfront Toronto is conducting a pilot test to evaluate the technical and economic performance of the soil treatment technologies that may form part of this facility, prior to making any larger-scale commitment.