Weston Bakery Development Update

I would like to share with you the development applications for the Weston Bakery site and their parking lot across the street, which will be introduce at Planning and Growth Committee on Monday, June 18.

This is the first formal step of a longer process before any final decisions are made. At this stage, the Planning and Growth Committee does not approve the development in any way, but simply agrees that the development process can be initiated. If this clears on Monday, I will set up an information session for the community with the planner in order to start to look at this application and understand the development process.

If you wish to write to Planning and Growth about this initial application, please do so at [email protected] You can also make a request to speak to the Committee by emailing to the same address, or you can show up on Monday and add your name at the Committee.

We can work together through this development process to get the best fit for the neighbourhood possible.

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