Traffic Notice: Commissioners Street & Don Roadway Closures Starting December 18, 2019

From Waterfront Toronto

Starting on December 18, Don Roadway will be closed between Commissioners Street and Villiers Street. Starting December 19, Commissioners Street will be closed between Munition Street and Don Roadway. These closures will remain in place until Summer 2022.

Our design to protect this area from flooding includes road and utility work. These closures will allow us to:

  • Raise the grade of both Commissioners Street and Don Roadway by as much as three metres
  • Upgrading underground utilities, which will improve stormwater and wastewater management and reduce the number of overhead wires
  • Prepare the road to accommodate the new Commissioners Street Bridge
What to expect during these road closures:
  • TTC stops along Commissioners Street will be relocated to Villiers and Saulter Streets.
  • The Lower Don Trail will be closed between Villiers and Commissioners Streets. Cyclists diverted from Commissioners Street can use shared lanes on Villiers Street to access the Martin Goodman Trail on Cherry Street, west of Don Roadway.
  • Those travelling south on Don Roadway can access Cherry Street to the west or Saulter Street to the east via Villiers Street.
  • There is now no on-street parking on the upgraded Villiers Street.
Continuing through Winter 2022, construction equipment will at times need to cross the Cherry Street at Lake Shore. When this happens, a flagperson will be stationed at the intersection to ensure the safety of cyclists and pedestrians. Traffic on the Martin Goodman Trail will be given priority. Signs will also be posted as needed to alert northbound and southbound cyclists to truck traffic.


To learn more about this project, please visit

Use this online form to send us questions or concerns about construction or email us at [email protected].

For urgent construction related issues, please contact Cameron Coleman, EllisDon, at 416-464-3583.

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