Tenants for Social Housing

The TCHC Board has approved the sale of over 700 buildings across the city.  This is more than 1,000 units of public housing and would displace thousands of tenants. This is the Mayor’s plan for housing in Toronto.

In Ward 30, 148 homes are for sale - this would displace 394 people - seniors, families, children. The report calls for the concentration of subsidized tenants into stand alone buildings despite acknowledging the negative financial and social impacts. The TCHC Shareholder Agreement with the City requires a commitment to mixed neighbourhoods.  We know that ghettoization does not work, hence the multi-millions of finances committed to revitalization and mixing of incomes in Regent Park and Lawrence Heights.

These homes and mixed neighbourhoods must be protected.

This incredibly important decision will come to Toronto City Hall shortly.  For more information I encourage you to visit the Tenants for Social Housing site, and please sign the petition to stop the sale of homes.

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