Starting October 10, a New Mural for Leslieville!


A year ago we celebrated our wonderful new Leslieville mural by Elicser Elliot at Queen and Jones.

Starting Tuesday, October 10th well known artist Evond Blake (Mediah) will begin another signature mural for Leslieville, this time at Queen and Boston as part of our new popular Bike Share location. The design even has a bike in it! You can see more of his work at

I am so happy it will be going on this wall which has been constantly tagged and has become an eyesore. Many residents have contacted me about transforming it. You can see the difference for yourself in the two photos below.

The wall today:












And the new mural!


Thank you to Bike Share, Public Realm and 55 Division for helping me bring another one of our fantastic East End murals to the neighbourhood.

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