Residents invited to share ideas about electric vehicles in Toronto

The City of Toronto invites Torontonians to share their thoughts about actions that the City can take to support the adoption of electric vehicles in Toronto. Input from the consultation will help inform the development of the City's Electric Mobility Strategy.

The electrification of vehicles is one of the key strategies identified in the City's TransformTO climate action strategy to meet Toronto's target of an 80 per cent reduction in local greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. To achieve that target, 100 per cent of vehicles in Toronto must transition to low- or zero-carbon energy by 2050. Vehicles generate about one-third of the total emissions in Toronto today.

The public can provide input online or by attending the public meeting described below.


From June 24 to July 5, residents can provide feedback by completing a survey at

Public session

Participants will have an opportunity to learn about actions under consideration for the City's Electric Mobility Strategy, speak with staff and other residents, and provide feedback. The session will take place on Thursday, June 27 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Metro Hall, 55 John St., Room 310.

More information about electric vehicles in Toronto is available on the web page linked above for the online survey.

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