New Green Roof in Leslieville

The Shopper's Drugmart at Queen and Carlaw has installed a green roof as part of their redesign. The Toronto Live Green website says that a “Green Roof” is a roof surface that supports the growth of vegetation over a substantial portion of its area for the purpose of water or energy conservation. It is comprised of a waterproofing
membrane, drainage layer, organic growing medium (soil) and vegetation. For more information on green roofs, visit and Toronto’s Eco-Roof Incentive Program is designed to promote the use of green and cool roofs on Toronto’s commercial, industrial and institutional buildings, and to help Toronto’s business community take action on climate change. The environmental benefits of eco-roofs are many. Green and cool roofs help reduce urban heat and associated energy use, which is a particular concern as global temperatures rise. Green roofs also help manage stormwater runoff (reducing the pollutants that enter our waterways), enhance biodiversity, improve air quality, and beautify our city.

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