-TORONTO- McCleary Playground at Queen Street East and McGee St will become Canada’s first Natural Playground to be built in public park when it undergoes a major facelift this fall.
-TORONTO- McCleary Playground at Queen Street East and McGee St will become Canada’s first Natural Playground to be built in public park when it undergoes a major facelift this fall.
(View the elements at www.naturalplaygrounds.ca)
A generous donation from ING Direct, in collaboration with Bienenstock Natural Playgrounds, has made this possible.
“I am thrilled that such an innovative playground will become part of our community, “ says Councillor Paula Fletcher. “We want parents and kids to have a say in its design and I look forward to their feedback.”
A community consultation will be held on Thursday August 27 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Jimmie Simpson Recreation Centre.
Natural Playground designers will incorporate suggestions from the meeting and develop a plan for the park. The playground will be constructed in September with the help of residents during a community build day, with the help of volunteers from ING direct and Natural Playgrounds.”
“It will be a really wonderful event and something we will look forward to this fall, “ says Fletcher
City Council adopts 2025 City Budget this week. Read my budget breakdown.
This month's City Council session was especially significant for me, as two initiatives I've worked on for a long time came to fruition.
Danforth Pizza House celebrating 60th anniversary today with special guests.