McCleary Playground Community Consultation

-TORONTO- McCleary Playground at Queen Street East and McGee St will become Canada’s first Natural Playground to be built in public park when it undergoes a major facelift this fall.  

>Natural Playgrounds incorporate elements of nature, music and waterplay to create a stimulating, holistic environment for children.  

(View the elements at


A generous donation from ING Direct, in collaboration with Bienenstock Natural Playgrounds,  has made this possible.


“I am thrilled that such an innovative playground will become part of our community, “ says Councillor Paula Fletcher.  “We  want parents and kids  to have a say in its design and I look forward to their feedback.”


 A community consultation will be held on Thursday August 27 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Jimmie Simpson Recreation Centre.


Natural Playground designers will incorporate suggestions from the meeting and develop a plan for the park.  The playground will be constructed in September with the help of residents during a community build day, with the help of  volunteers from ING direct and Natural Playgrounds.”


“It will be a really wonderful event and something we will look forward to this fall, “ says Fletcher


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