May 21 - Public Consultation on Rail Safety

The City of Toronto is looking for public input on rail safety and proposed options for sharing information with the City, the community and railway users on railway issues.

Toronto residents are invited to provide their comments at a public meeting:

Date: Thursday, May 21

Time: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Location: Metro Hall, 55 John St. (Rooms 308 and 309)

Registration for the meeting and an open house will begin at 6:30 p.m. The public session will begin at 7 p.m., when staff will make a formal presentation, then take questions and hear remarks from the public, and facilitate discussion on identifying and prioritizing issues. The venue is wheelchair accessible and ASL interpretation will be provided upon request.

Members of the public who want more information about this public meeting or who need ASL interpretation should contact the City of Toronto Office of Emergency Management at [email protected] or 416-392-4554.

All residents, whether they attend the public session or not, are encouraged to fill out an online feedback form on the City's website at All public input must be received by Monday, May 25.

Information gathered at the public meeting and through the online survey will be included in a report on rail safety and Council directions, which will be considered at a future meeting of City Council.

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