Inside Toronto: Discussion on new user fees set for April 3

From Joanna Lavoie of Inside Toronto:

A town hall on the city's newly instituted permit fees for those using its sports fields will be held on Tuesday, April 3 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Toronto City Hall Council Chambers, 100 Queen St. W.


These new user fees for sports fields came as a surprise to many as they were essentially buried in the 2012 budget, said local Councillor Paula Fletcher.

"We all understood there was going to be a three per cent increase in fees but this is an entirely brand new fee for sports fields. We can't do business like this in the City of Toronto. We have to honour the tremendous contributions volunteers make to sports with youth and children," said Fletcher, adding sports leagues - most of which are run by volunteers - weren't made aware of these new fees until recently. Read the full article at Inside Toronto.

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