News Release - Getting Ontario Line Construction Right at Pape and Danforth

Community calls for better construction management and more affordable housing in response to today’s Ontario Line groundbreaking ceremony at Pape Station.


TORONTO – In the wake of today’s groundbreaking ceremony at Pape Station for the Ontario Line, residents, small businesses and local representatives are repeating calls for steps to better manage and communicate construction-related impacts along with increase affordable housing planned for the provincial ‘Transit Oriented Communities’ (TOC) developments.

“With today’s ground-breaking for the Ontario Line at Pape Station it’s a good opportunity to let the province know what many residents and local business owners have been telling me”, said Councillor Fletcher. “While everyone supports great new transit, local businesses and residents are calling for steps to better manage and communicate construction-related impacts along with increased affordable housing for the planned provincial ‘Transit Oriented Communities’ developments.”

Key asks from residents and small businesses in the Pape and Danforth area include:

  • Better construction management: Residents and businesses are calling on Metrolinx to implement measures to ensure that impacts on the local neighbourhood are minimized, and provide clear, transparent information about the construction.
  • Community office: Residents and businesses want Metrolinx to open a community office on the Danforth like they’ve done on Queen Street East to allow community members to ask questions and get info directly from Metrolinx staff.
  • Parking replacement: The multiple TPA lots that will be lost or closed for several years due to Ontario Line construction should be replaced to ensure residents and visitors can continue to shop at our local businesses.
  • More affordable housing for TOCs: There are currently no affordable units planned for provincial TOCs planned for future Ontario Line Stations in Ward 14. Councillor Fletcher has previously called for a minimum of 20 per cent affordable housing.

“I would expect Metrolinx to respond to local needs for transparency and good communication by establishing a community office and regular opportunities for consultation and collaboration, as well as actions to mitigate disruptions to businesses and residents. I, like most Torontonians, expect that any development includes a significant number of affordable housing units so that the neighbourhood can welcome everyone who are looking for a way to remain and work in Toronto”, said Susan Weiss, a local resident whose neighbourhood will be directly impacted by Ontario Line construction at Pape and Danforth.

“We need Metrolinx to work with Greektown, to limit impacts to our small businesses and to ensure residents and visitors can continue accessing our local shops and restaurants during Ontario Line construction”, added Tony Pethakas, Chair of the GreekTown on the Danforth BIA.

“These asks come hundreds of residents and businesses, who were consulted and provided their feedback over several meetings this year,” added Fletcher.


Media inquiries: [email protected]

Paula Fletcher

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