Fairford Coxwell Intersection Follow Up Meeting


Thank you for attending the Fairford Coxwell Community meeting last week. John McGill, a traffic engineer specializing in pedestrian issues has received all of your feedback and will be considering it in the weeks to come.  I will continue to update the community on the progress of this intersection study.



Upper Gerrard is a major arterial road, designed to carry lots of commuter

traffic. Fairford is a local residential street, designed to carry local traffic. The two meet in a delta intersection which is unsafe for pedestrians and encourages commuter traffic to cut through the local neighbourhood. Even semi-tractor trailers have come onto Fairford and gotten stuck.


  • Increase pedestrian safety
  • Decrease commuter traffic infiltration through the neighbourhood
  • Make the intersection more beautiful


  • Tested two new intersection designs and conducted traffic counts
  • Numerous site meetings
  • Residents’ feedback through email and letters and phone calls
  • 3rd party review by traffic engineer with pedestrian specialty
  • Community Meeting (Information below)

Date: Thursday, June 23, 2011
Time: 6:30PM – 8:30PM

Location: Roden School Gymnasium,
151 Hiawatha Road (At Gerrard St. E.)

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