Councillor Fletcher's Environment Day

Date:           Saturday, October 1, 2011
Time:           10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Location:     Riverdale Park East
(Broadview Ave., south of Danforth Ave.)

YOU CAN GET (some fees may apply)

  • Backyard Composters, Green Bins, Kitchen Composter, Rain Barrel, Water Efficiency Kits

Pick up for FREE

  • Green Bin and Kitchen Container (exchange damaged bins, newcomers show proof
of new residency in the last 90 days)
  • Leaf Compost (limit of one cubic metre per household)

    • Computer Equipment (e.g., desktops, laptops, hand-held portables, monitors, printers)
    • Audio/Visual Equipment & Peripherals (e.g., telephones, cell phones, pda’s and pagers, cameras, small TVs, radios, receivers, speakers, tuners, equalizers, turntables, projectors, recorders, DVDplayers and VCRs, etc.)
    • Household Hazardous Waste (e.g., cleaning supplies and solvents, motor oil, paint, batteries, old/unused medication, mercury thermometers/thermostats, pesticides, fluorescent and compact fluorescent bulbs, propane tanks, etc.)


    • Art supplies (e.g. pencils, markers, crayons, etc.)
    • Buttons
    • Keys
    • Collectors’ coins and stamps
    • Clipboards
    • Corks and cork boards
    • CDs and cases
    • Children’s books
    • Dress up clothing, including costume jewelry,  broken/old watches and clocks with hands
    • Fabric pieces and yarn
    • 35 mm cameras and equipment

    Other Items donated for reuse (Must be in good condition)
    (Please keep separate from others)

    • Sporting goods (e.g. skates and jerseys, etc.)
    • Books
    • Medical equipment in good condition (e.g. eyeglasses, walking aids, hearing aids, etc.)
    • Small household items (e.g. dishes, ornaments, etc.)
    • Textiles in good condition  (e.g. clothing, linens, etc.)
    • Non-perishable foods will be donated to a food bank

    Visit the Toronto Water information tent to learn about money-saving programs!
    Please do not bring: Construction waste, gasoline, garbage, wood, cassette and videotapes, commercial/industrial hazardous waste and scrap metal.

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