To log on, customers can visit and enter their utility account information. Customers can then view their total and average water use by day, week, month or year in graph or chart format. The tool also provides the opportunity to enter additional details such as temperature and precipitation to help customers better understand why they may have used more or less water during a particular time period.
MyWaterToronto is linked to the City’s Utility Account Lookup, another online tool that customers can use to view their utility account information and details of their billings.
“MyWaterToronto is the culmination of a six-year capital program to install automated water meters in every home and business in Toronto,” said Lou Di Gironimo, General Manager, Toronto Water. “By installing these meters, we are now receiving data electronically that can be used to better service our customers.”
Automated water meters send water consumption data directly to the City several times a day.
MyWaterToronto has been loaded with more than one billion water meter readings, which enables customers to view their water use data from January 1, 2015, up to the day before they log on.