"Governments and businesses are responding with more green initiatives and incentives," said Councillor Fletcher. "At the City of Toronto, we continue to do what we can, even in these economic times to find ways to use green fleet technology in every aspect of our municipal service."
"Hamilton is pleased to be co-hosting this event with Toronto once again and to showcase the progress we've made to implement green fleet technology," said Hamilton’s Councillor Bratina. "We hope to inspire other municipalities to consider transitioning their fleets to greener alternatives as well as by learning more about our success today."
The GFX also featured recognition of green fleet stewardship. Fleet Challenge Ontario handed out two 2009 Green Fleet Lifetime Achievement Awards to two City of Toronto employees: Drew Shintani, Senior Policy Advisor/Manager, and Gerry Pietschmann, Director of Fleet Services, for creating the first-ever green fleet initiatives plan.
The City of Toronto is a leader in adopting new, green technologies and approaches to managing its fleet of vehicles. Toronto City Council adopted the Green Fleet Plan 2008-2011 in March 2008. This plan presents 38 actions that the City will undertake to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the City’s central vehicle fleet by approximately 15 million tonnes.
The City of Toronto and City of Hamilton host the Green Fleet Expo each year. The GFX is the premiere event for new and emerging green technology for fleet managers as well as networking opportunities.
For more information about the City's fleet, visit www.toronto.ca/fleet.
Toronto is Canada's largest city and sixth largest government, and home to a diverse population of about 2.6 million people. It is the economic engine of Canada and one of the greenest and most creative cities in North America. Toronto has won numerous awards for quality, innovation and efficiency in delivering public services. 2009 marks the 175th anniversary of Toronto's incorporation as a city. Toronto's government is dedicated to prosperity, opportunity and liveability for all its residents.