At City Council, I was happy to support Councillor Josh Colle's motion that maintained many services we hold dear in Ward 30:
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- Frankland Pool will remain open
- library hours will not be cut
- Jimmy Simpson will keep free programs for kids, youth and seniors
- community grants and arts grants will continue
- climate change community workers will stay on the job
You can see the all of the motions and decisions here.
These were small but very significant victories in a complex budget that downplayed the important role of public services.
There will be a modest tax increase of 2.5% and over $100 million of the surplus will be used to pay for the purchase of new streetcars.
Unfortunately, over 2,000 cleaners' jobs will be contracted out, including at the local police divisions. Custodians and cleaners are the eyes and ears of a workplace and an important part of the team. I am concerned about itinerant employees moving in and out of our police divisions and other complex work places.
Again, thanks for your engagement and support. I will be working with you and many of my colleagues to get an early start on the challenges of next year’s budget.
Working for you,
Paula Fletcher
City Councillor - Ward 30