2012 Library Budget Community Consultation


Help Keep Our Libraries Open!

At its last meeting, the Library Board approved a reduction of $9.9 million or 5.7% by introducing new technologies and cutting over 100 jobs.  The Board deferred cutting the remaining $7.3M (4.3%) in service and collections cuts to achieve the full 10% reduction to the November 21st meeting.

The latest proposal under discussion by the Library Board recommends cutting 19,444 branch hours annually, including 1482 hours in Ward 30:  

Branch Hrs/Wk
Jones 10.5
Pape-Danforth 9.5
Riverdale 6
Gerrard Ashdale 2.5
Click here to read about the proposed cuts City wide.

Torontonians have demanded an increase in library hours in each and every consultation since amalgamation. Over the past several months, residents from every corner of the city and more than 2000 from Ward 30 told the Mayor and Council they don't want their libraries closed and hours reduced.

The Toronto Library Board needs to hear from you.  It is important that your family, friends and neighbours share their views on the proposed budget reductions in the next 2 weeks. Here's how you can make your opinion heard:

1. Attend either of these two Ward 30 public consultations and let others know about them: Sunday, November 13th        1:30pm         Pape/Danforth Branch, 701 Pape Ave Monday, November 14th       7:00pm         Riverdale Branch, 370 Broadview Ave

2. Send the Board a statement outlining your opposition to a further reduction in library services to the attention of: [email protected]

3.  Fill out the survey. Go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2SRHWHM or click on the "What's New" section of the Library website.  For translation and accessible versions of the survey, contact Answerline at 416-393-7131 TTY 416-393-7030. The results of the survey will be provided to the Board to inform their decision-making on the budget.

4. Email me at [email protected] to request and sign a copy of a petition asking the Toronto Public Library Board and City Council to stop the proposed cuts to branch hours.

See the full agenda and report here.


Next Steps Decision-Making Process

Toronto Public Library Board Meeting               November 21               Toronto Reference Library

City of Toronto Budget Committee                  December 08               City Hall, Second Floor

Special City Council Meeting                             January 17                   City Hall, Council Chamber


Presentations to the Library Board

Members of the public who want to address the board (i.e. make a presentation or deputation) at an upcoming board meeting should make a written request to the Secretary of the Board. The request should include the presenter's

  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone Number
  • Outline of the presentation
  • Any relevant documentation
  • Signature (if request sent by letter mail or fax)
  • Email address (if request is sent by email)
  • Fax number (if request sent by fax)
The name and contact information of presenters will be available to the public unless the presenter requests otherwise.

For presentations on a topic already on the meeting agenda, requests should be received not less than 48 hours before the Board meeting.

For presentations on a topic not on the Board's agenda, requests should be received not less than six days before the Board meeting.

Presentations should be five minutes or less.

Organizations can have one or two speakers.

People with disabilities requiring accommodation should advise the Secretary of the Board.


You can contact the Board by writing, phoning, faxing or emailing the Board Secretary.

The Secretary Toronto Public Library Board 789 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario M4W 2G8 Phone: 416-393-7215 (9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday to Friday) Fax: 416-393-7083 Email: Nancy Marshall at [email protected]

Please note that written communications to the Board shall be collected and maintained for the purpose of preparing a record that is available to the general public. This will include making your name and contact information available to the public, as part of the public record. However, when you write to the board, you may request that your contact information be withheld from the public.

The Public Libraries Act (section 20), the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (section 27) and the Board Procedural By-Law (sections 20 and 42) allow the Board to collect personal information contained in communications to the Board. If you want to learn more about why and how the Board collects your information, write to the Divisional Support Manager, Toronto Public Library Board, 789 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario M4W 2G8 or call 416-395-0820.


Presentations to the Budget Committee

You can appear before a committee of City Council to share your comments with committee members directly.

Please register to speak at the Budget Committee by contacting the City Clerk at: [email protected] phone: 416-392-7340 or fax: 416-392-1879.

As a courtesy, they request you register by 4:30 p.m. on the day before a meeting; however you can also register in the meeting room before the meeting starts.

Here are some tips for preparing your presentation to a committee:

  • You are limited to 5 minutes for your presentation, unless the committee decides otherwise.
  • Members will have the chance to ask you questions following your presentation; the limit is 5 minutes per Member, including their question and your response. The time limit can be changed
  • If you bring written materials to support your presentation, please bring a copy for the City Clerk's staff for the official record.
City Council Submit Comments

Only committees hear from public presenters; presenters are not heard at full meetings of City Council.

You can submit your comments in writing by mail, fax or email.  When sending comments that are intended for consideration by Council, please clearly indicate the following details:

  • That you are submitting comments for distribution to Council.
  • The name of the item
  • The date of the meeting
When we are unsure if comments sent to us were intended for distribution to a committee or Council, we will err on the side of caution and not submit them.

If we receive your comments after a matter has been decided, we will forward your comments to the relevant City officials for their information and they will not form part of the official record on an item.

Comments become part of the public record and your presentation becomes part of the public record

If you submit written comments, they together with your personal information, will form part of the public record.

If you submit written comments on an item before the agenda is published, we will reproduce your correspondence in the printed version of the agenda, including any supplementary agendas if applicable.

If we receive your comments after the printed agenda has been distributed, we will copy and distribute your correspondence to all Members of Council and the relevant City officials. Copies will also be made available for public inspection in the meeting.

If you are writing as an individual in a personal capacity, you will be listed as a correspondent in any relevant agendas, decisions and minutes. We post these documents online, so the listing of your name in connection with an agenda item may be indexed by search engines like Google. A full copy of your correspondence will be made available for public inspection to anyone who asks before or after the meeting.

When you appear before a committee, your presentation becomes part of the public record.

If you make a presentation to a committee, you will be listed as a presenter in the minutes of the meeting. We post our minutes online, so the listing of your name in connection with the agenda item may be indexed by search engines like Google.

We also videotape all meetings of committees, so your presentation will be recorded. We make video-recordings available on request to the public.

If you require further information please contact 3-1-1

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