Self Guided Walking Tours

Taking a Walk in Toronto?  The City has a developed a website that will help you pick out a great place to explore our city on foot.

The City of Toronto has created a website where residents and visitors to the city can see 26 self-guided walking tours of some of the city’s most beautiful and interesting areas.  A self-guided walking tour is a tour without a guide,

a fee, or a set date or time. It is an opportunity for an individual or group to explore the city at their own pace while learning about their surroundings.

In addition to the walking tours currently posted, the City is offering organizations and individuals the opportunity to create a self-guided walking tour.  There are even a limited number of grants up to $500 that are available per year to cover the costs of producing such a tour.

Here's a list of organizations and individuals that are eligible to participate:

  • Not-for-profit organizations;
  • Grade 1 to Grade 12 students;
  • College and university students;
  • Individuals or a group of friends interested in walking.

Preference will be given to self-guided walking tours that meet one of the following objectives:

  • Located in a neighbourhood not currently represented in the database;
  • Innovative and fun;
  • Focused on health and well-being.

For more details about the program, click on

The City has many existing guidelines, programs and projects that focus on improving pedestrian environments and fostering a culture of walking such as; the pedestrian priority intersections (scramble intersections), Discovery Walks, WalkIntoHealth program, pedestrian countdown signals and the Live Green Initiative.

Go get out and start walking!

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