This is to facilitate work on underground water infrastructure and will require occupying one southbound lane on Leslie Street. This will reduce a section of Leslie St between Commissioners St and Lake Shore Blvd to one shared lane for both northbound and southbound traffic. During this time, a flag person will be present to direct traffic flow.
Hours of work:
Monday, July 15th at 8:00pm – Tuesday, July 16th at 8:00am.
Further to this, there will be additional overnight work beginning this evening through to Friday July 12th. Details of this work are outlined below:
Wednesday, July 10th – Thursday July 11th
- Construction crews will be working on a communication ductbank on the west side of Leslie Street, south of Lake Shore Blvd.
- Southbound traffic will be maintained via the existing northbound left turn lane.
- Two paid-duty police officers will be present to direct traffic.
- Hours of work will be 9:00pm – 5:30am
Thursday, July 11th – Friday July 12th
- Crews will be installing traffic monitoring instrumentation at the corners of the Leslie and Lake Shore intersection.
- Installations will require approximately 20 meters of curb lane to be restricted. They will be completed one corner at a time.
- A paid-duty officer will be present to help direct traffic.
- Crews will also be working on Leslie Street south of Commissioners and will be occupying a middle lane; one lane in each direction will be maintained at all times.
- Hours of work will be 8:00pm – 5:30am
Friday July 12th – Saturday July 13th
- Work will continue on the communications ductbank on Leslie Street, south of Commissioners.
- Traffic configuration will remain the same as noted for Thursday.
- Hours of work will be 8:00pm – 5:30am