Coxwell Fairford Intersection Update



 I have been hearing from many people concerned that decisions are being made and work will proceed on the intersection prior to a community meeting. Here is an outline of where things stand.

Steps to date:

  • Spring 2010 City’s Transportation staff piloted two different versions for the reconfiguration of the intersection
  • Traffic counts were done before and during each of the pilots
  • Comments and suggestions related to both versions from both sides of Coxwell have been logged and will be given serious consideration during the deliberations
  • My office organized two site visits city staff, myself, Councillor Bussin and residents active on this issue

 Unfortunately after the pilots were completed the staff person in charge of this project had a major stroke and the next steps – a community meeting and final report -- have been on hold awaiting his return. In the interim the city’s Pedestrian Office has been looking at the data on the pedestrian and traffic flow.

 There will be no finalized plan or changes to the intersection will be made without a community meeting where the results of the traffic studies on both pilots will be presented and the community can and provide additional feedback. I expect the meeting to be scheduled later this fall or early winter.

 Improving pedestrian safety at the Coxwell and Fairford intersection remains a key priority. Whether it is elderly people crossing to shop, students crossing to get the streetcar or parents with strollers going to the park, improving pedestrian safety at this intersection is critical. Other important goals are decreasing traffic flow through the neighbourhood and beautification of this intersection.

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