Broadview Avenue Extension Environmental Assessment

The Broadview Avenue Extension Environmental Assessment (Broadview Extension EA) continues work completed in the 2017 Port Lands Transportation and Servicing Master Plan (TSMP), which satisfied Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class EA process.

The Broadview Avenue Extension Environmental Assessment (Broadview Extension EA) continues work completed in the 2017 Port Lands Transportation and Servicing Master Plan (TSMP), which satisfied Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class EA process.

The Broadview Extension EA will complete Phases 3 and 4 and is developing conceptual designs and recommendations for:

  • Broadview Avenue extension, between Eastern Avenue and Lake Shore Boulevard
  • New East-West Street, between Don Roadway and Booth Avenue in the Unilever Precinct

The EA is also developing and evaluating alternative solutions for the design of the Eastern Avenue on-ramp to the Don Valley Parkway north and will consider options to improve access to the Don Valley Parkway.

The EA is being coordinated with other studies and local projects underway in the area including the Broadview and Eastern Flood Protection Project (led by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority), the East Harbour Station Design (led by Metrolinx), Lake Shore Boulevard East Public Realm Design (led by Waterfront Toronto) and the Gardiner Expressway East Reconfiguration (led by City of Toronto), and other initiatives.

Study Area The EA study area illustrated below is bound by Eastern Avenue to the north, Lake Shore Boulevard East to the south, Don Roadway/Cherry Street to the west, and Booth Avenue to the east.

The extension of Broadview Avenue will act at the primary north-south link to the Port Lands. It will be constructed as a complete street including: raised and separated cycling facilities, dedicated transit lanes, public art, wide sidewalks, one vehicle traffic lane in each direction, urban bioswales, tree plantings, and space for curbside activities, servicing, and utilities.

The new east-west street will also be designed as a complete street including: raised separated cycling facilities, wide sidewalks, one vehicle lane in each direction, tree plantings, and space for curbside activities, servicing, and utilities.

Background In 2017, the Port Lands and South of Eastern Transportation and Servicing Master Plan (TSMP) was completed to support the planned regeneration and renewal in the Port Lands and the continued employment growth in the South of Eastern area over the next 30 to 50 years. The TSMP fulfilled Phases 1 and 2 of the Environmental Assessment process and identified the preferred road network for the study area including new streets, public transit, pedestrian and cycling facilities, and municipal services.

What is an Environmental Assessment (EA) Study? Ontario’s Environmental Assessment Act is an approved planning process tailored to municipal infrastructure. The Act promotes good environmental planning by determining and managing the potential effects of a project prior to implementation, and ensures that public concerns are heard and balanced with economic, social, cultural and natural environmental needs. This study is being carried out according to the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process and includes multiple phases.

Public Consultation The EA will provide feedback opportunities for the public and stakeholders to comment on the designs. The final design will be based on recommendations from the Environmental Assessment Study, results of technical investigations, and feedback from the public. Public consultation is an important part of the study. Local residents, businesses, property owners, and stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback at key stages. Information about public consultation and opportunities to provide comment will be distributed by mail, email, and posted on the project website.

We would like to hear from you If you have questions, comments, or would like to sign-up to receive project e-mail updates, please contact:

Robyn Shyllit Senior Coordinator, Public Consultation Unit City of Toronto, Metro Hall 55 John Street, 19th floor Toronto, ON M5V 3C6 Tel.: 416-392-3358 E-mail: [email protected]

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