Let's go Contraflow on Chatham!

With the recent tragic cycling deaths in Toronto, it is widely recognized that more safe cycling connections are needed. Following the public consultation on contraflow bike lanes at this year’s Pocket Community Association Annual General Meeting, a contraflow bike lane will be installed on Chatham Avenue!

A contraflow bike lanes gets installed on a one-way street and allows cyclists to legally travel in both directions. They are cost effective, safe, and ensure that cyclists are not forced onto busy arterial roads that lack proper cycling infrastructure.

bike week ride in






The contraflow bike lane on Chatham will be on the south side of the street and so it will not take up any of the existing parking spaces.  The Contraflow lane will not interfere with Fire Services. This lane will make traffic go slower through the neighbourhood and makes the street safer for all users; cyclists, pedestrians, and motorists.

I wrote a letter today to the City Transportation department to let them know to go ahead with the installation of the contraflow lane on Chatham.  You can read my letter about the Chatham Bike Lane here.

Let's go Contraflow!

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