City and Community Win Victory at OMB on South of Eastern Employment Lands


Wednesday March 4, 2009

TORONTO – The City of Toronto and the residents of east Toronto have won a historic decision at the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). After a 5-month hearing, the OMB has ruled against the conversion of employment lands to Big Box Retail.


“This is a victory for not only my community but also for anyone who supports good planning and good jobs for our City” says Councillor Paula Fletcher.

"The OMB has upheld the provincial “Places to Grow” legislation which requires cities to plan ahead to ensure land is zoned and used for employment purposes.”

The City of Toronto was supported in its opposition by the residents group the East Toronto Community Coalition (ETCC). “The Community was clear – we want good jobs, healthy local businesses and clean air” said Kelly Carmichael, Chair of the ETCC. “It’s encouraging that the Board agreed with us and the City that this is no place for millions more car trips”.

"This an extremely important decision for the neighbourhood and for the future of good jobs for our children and grandchildren,” says Fletcher.

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