Compost Day July 10, 2021
Date: Saturday, July 10, 2021
Time: Load will be dropped at 9:00 am (until compost runs out)
Location: Riverdale Park East by Broadview Ave and Withrow Ave
Due to the pandemic I was not able to hold my regular Spring Compost Days this year, but now as restrictions are lifting I am able to arrange for this compost delivery.
Please bring your own shovels and containers as the compost will not be in bags. Please also maintain physical distance (2 metres) from others and wear a mask or face covering while collecting your compost. As of June 30th we will be in Step 2 of the Province's reopening plan, which allows for outdoor gatherings of up to 25 people. It is important that we continue to follow the public health measures in place to keep everyone safe.
I also want to share that part of this load of compost will go to the Withrow Jr. Public School gardens and the St. Ann's Parish community garden.
I hope this helps all of your gardens grow beautifully this summer!